Dream Impact Trust (TSX: MPCT.UN) (Dream Impact, or MPCT.UN) is an open-ended trust dedicated to impact investing. Impact investing is the intention of creating measurable positive, social, or environmental change in our communities and for our stakeholders, while generating attractive financial returns.

MPCT.UN is committed to the ongoing measurement and reporting of its impact initiatives, targets and outcomes through Dream’s Impact Management Framework. For further information, please see the 2023 Impact Report.

Read the report

2023 Key Accomplishments

  • Environmental Icon

    in estimated water utility savings achieved by a leak detection and repair program launched at 262 Jarvis Street in Toronto

  • Environmental Icon
    75,014 kWh

    of renewable power generated as part of the first renewable power system within Dream Impact’s portfolio(1)

  • Environmental Icon
    $2.6 million

    funded by the Canada Infrastructure Bank (“CIB”) for decarbonization projects(2)

  • Social Icon

    affordable housing units added to portfolio in 2023(3)

  • Social Icon

    average discount to market rent on affordable units (4)

  • Social Icon
    ~$16 million

    in spending awarded to diverse vendors(5)

  • Government Icon

    inaugural Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”) submission and achieved scores above the PRI median in two out of three modules(6)

  • Government Icon

    second annual reporting requirements for the Net Zero Asset Managers (“NZAM”) initiative(6)

  • Government Icon
    Green Star

    Awarded for the third consecutive time by GRESB(7)

(1) Data is available from date of acquisition in April 2023 to December 2023.
(2) Based on cumulative draws to date as at December 31, 2023. Reflective of the Residence at Weston LP credit facility at 100%.
(3) At 100% project level. Affordable units are classified in line with certain government program’s affordability definition that each project is governed by.
(4) All figures are at 100% project level, inclusive of Quayside and Dream LeBreton developments. These are forecasted figures and are subject to change. Affordable units are
classified in line with certain government program’s affordability definition that each project is governed by.
(5) Diverse vendors are defined as businesses that are majority-owned or majority-managed by people from equity-seeking groups. MPCT.UN collected this information in coordination with DRM and D.UN – and therefore includes tracked spending by MPCT.UN, DRM and D.UN. Spending is tracked on specific categories that include development projects (Quayside and Dream LeBreton), decarbonization retrofits in office and multi-family buildings, and general operational spending.
(6) DRM completed the submission on behalf of the Dream group of companies, including MPCT.UN.
(7) All intellectual property rights to this data belong exclusively to GRESB B.V. All rights reserved. GRESB B.V. has no liability to any person (including a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body) for any losses, damages, costs, expenses, or other liabilities suffered as a result of any use of or reliance on any of the information which may be attributed to it. Green Stars recognize Real Estate entities with a score higher than 50% of the points allocated to each relevant component.

ESG Scorecard

The Dream Impact portfolio is comprised of office and multi-family assets. Across the office portfolio, relative to the baseline, intensity reductions have been achieved from efficiency projects for energy, GHG emissions and water metrics. Reduced consumption in 2020 and 2021 can be attributed to COVID-related occupancy reductions. Dream Impact is working on a strategy to meet its waste diversion targets at its office assets.

The portfolio-wide data is influenced by the changing portfolio make up, as Dream Impact has intentionally purchased assets that need improvement and has diversified into the multi-family asset class. Year over year, energy, GHG emissions, water and waste has increased due to the acquisition of multi-family assets and an increase of occupancy across the office portfolio assets.

Indicator 2019 Baseline 2022 2023 YoY% Change % Change from Baseline
Energy Consumption (ekWh) 21,704,774 43,804,755 50,782,995 16% 134%
Energy Intensity (ekWh/sf)(4) 26.06 21.32 20.47 -4% -21%
Water Consumption (m3) 61,827 199,194 221,187 11% 258%
Water Intensity (m3/sf)(4) 0.064 0.046 0.041 -11% -36%
GHG Emissions(5)
Scope 1 GHG Emissions (tCO2e) 1,211 3,906 4,221 8% 249%
Scope 2 GHG Emissions (tCO2e) 391 569 650 14% 66%
Total Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions (tCO2e) 1,602 4,475 4,871 9% 204%
Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions Intensity (kgCO2e/sf)(4) 1.92 1.58 1.29 -18% -33%
Waste Diverted (tonnes)(6) 88 79 126 59% 43%
Waste Diversion (%)(4) 40% 32% 30% -2% -10%
Waste to Landfill (tonnes) 134 167 288 73% 115%
Total Waste Generated (tonnes)(6) 222 246 414 68% 87%
Certifications and Ratings
Percent of Portfolio with Green Building Certification(6) see note(7) 74% 73% -1%
Percent of Eligible Portfolio with an Energy Rating(6)(8) 93% 74% 71% -3% -22%

(1) Each year’s energy, GHG, water, waste, building certification and energy rating data is based on the relevant properties owned for the calendar year in that year unless otherwise stated. Floor area square footage is based on Gross Leasable Area (“GLA”) as of end of reporting year. MPCT.UN assets jointly operated with D.UN (such as Sussex Centre) were included in this assessment at 100% of GLA.
(2) Represents absolute data not like-for-like data. 2019 figures have been updated to reflect enhanced data tracking procedures and changes to calculation methodologies.
(3) Refer to Supplemental Disclosure and Standard Index for more information including sources of emission factors, data coverage, inclusions, and exclusions.
(4) Includes office-type assets with GLA at 100% operational for the full year.
(5) GHG emissions are calculated in accordance with the World Resource Institute Greenhouse Gas Protocol. They capture activities MPCT.UN has direct and indirect operational control over: Scope 1 emissions generated directly from its operations, including heating at MPCT.UN’s properties. Scope 2 emissions indirectly associated with generation of purchased electricity, heating, cooling, and steam consumed by properties.
(6) Represents all office-type assets with GLA at 100%.
(7) Indicators were not tracked in the noted time period.
(8) Represents the percentage of office-type asset portfolio based on sf using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager (“ESPM”).
(9) Includes employees employed by Dream Asset Management Corporation, which includes DRM, MPCT.UN and Canadian DRR.U employees, as well as employees of Dream European Advisors GmbH, Dream Netherlands Advisors B.V., Dream US Manager LLC). Does not include employees employed at Dream recreational properties, employees on leaves of absence (e.g., permanent disability, long-term disability, parental leave) interns and DRR.U employees.
(10) Numbers represented as total headcount, not full-time equivalent.
(11) Includes permanent part-time employees.
(12) Turnover is calculated as a percentage of average employee headcount in noted category.
(13) Based on employees at all levels.
(14) Managers includes Manager level employees and above.
(15) Executives include: the Portfolio Manager and Chief Financial Officer of MPCT.UN.
(16) Board composition as at December 31, 2020.
(17) Board composition as at December 31, 2021.
(18) Board composition as at December 31, 2022.
(19) Board composition as at December 31, 2023.


As an owner and developer of real estate, Dream Impact Trust integrates sustainability into the design, construction, and operations of all its buildings and communities. It is focused on developing and operating its properties to optimize energy use, limit GHG emissions, and reduce water use and waste while also creating resiliency against natural disasters and major climatic events.

Decarbonizing 723 Bloor St. West as part of the DRC

723 Bloor Street West is a 16-unit, mid-rise multi-family residential apartment building in Toronto. The building, constructed in 1920, originally had natural gas boilers for space heating and domestic water heating. Deep retrofits planned at the building include electrifying of the heating system by replacing the gas boilers with heat pump technology for the domestic hot water systems, and installation of mini-split heat pump systems in each unit for efficient heating and the provision of cooling for residents. Each suite was also fitted with low flow faucets and shower heads to further drive down energy consumption and resulting emissions.

Advantages of heat pump technologies:

  • Highly energy efficient and can produce lower GHG emissions
  • Ability to increase the number of thermal zones in the building
  • Provides cooling capabilities for residents in the summer months

Include the following estimated saving statistics:

  • 55% reduction in energy use intensity(1)
  • 77% reduction in GHG emissions(1)

(1) Compared to baseline.

Building Certifications

  • Boma Best Logo
    BOMA BEST certification
  • LEED Logo
    LEED certification

(1) The above numbers are based on GLA of assets as at December 31, 2023, including all Canadian office-type properties including co-owned assets at 100% of GLA. Properties may have more than one certification which is why the chart adds up to more than 100%.


Dream Impact’s strong and diverse workforce contributes to the collaborative and innovative work of embedding impact throughout the business. Employees come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, bringing many valuable skills and perspectives to the team.

Building Affordable and Attainable Housing

Providing affordable and attainable housing is one of Dream Impact’s three impact verticals. As such Dream Impact is dedicated to the development and integration of market and affordable units with a focus on investing in mixed-income communities that are transit oriented, located close to employment opportunities, and support an overall lower relative cost of living with a high quality of life. Dream Impact provides access to housing for people across all income levels and are proud to have built one of the largest affordable housing portfolios in Canada.

Include the following floating statistics:

  • ~6,500 market and affordable housing units(1)
  • 1,300+ affordable units(1)(2)
  • 50% average discount to market rent at Canary Landing

(1) At 100% project level. Affordable units are classified in line with certain government program’s affordability definition that each project is governed by. Includes forecasted figures from the development pipeline and are subject to change.
(2) In Dream Impact’s portfolio, located in the area shown on the adjacent map.

Dream Impact Employee Gender Breakdown(1)

(1) Includes employees employed by Dream Asset Management Corporation, which includes DRM and MPCT.UN employees, and Canadian DRR.U employees. Does not include employees at recreational properties, employees on leaves of absence (e.g., permanent disability, long-term disability, parental leave), interns, and DRR.U employees of Pauls Corp.
(2) Includes employees at all levels.
(3) Includes Managers and above.
(4) For the purposes of this report, Executives include: the Portfolio Manager and Chief Financial Officer of MPCT.UN.


Sustainability at MPCT.UN is overseen and managed by DRM, with whom MPCT.UN co-invests on many of its projects.

Sustainability at MPCT.UN is managed by the following:

(1) Based on members of the Trust and GP Boards, as at December 31, 2023. Dream Impact Master GP Inc. is the general partner of Dream Impact Master LP. Dream Impact Master GP Inc. oversees the management of Dream Impact Trust’s operating assets, which are held through Dream Impact Master LP.

Disclosure Frameworks

  • Principles for Responsible Investment logo
    Principles for Responsible Investment ↗

    The United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is the world’s leading responsible investor collaboration. It supports its signatories to incorporate ESG factors into their investment and ownership decisions. Signatories commit to follow PRI’s six principles and report annually on their progress through the PRI Reporting Framework. Dream Unlimited, on behalf of the Dream group of companies, became a signatory to the PRI in 2021, and completed the inaugural submission in 2023.
  • United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment ↗

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. There are 17 goals in total which provide a shared blueprint to achieve the 2030 goals. The Dream group has identified relevant SDGs throughout its investment strategy and considers how projects may contribute to the achievement of these goals. In particular, the Dream group of companies is dedicated to building safe, resilient, inclusive, and sustainable cities – expressed by Goal 11.
  • Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures logo
    Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ↗

    In 2021, Dream Unlimited became an official supporter of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. To align with TCFD recommendations and enable appropriate oversight, Dream Unlimited hosted board education sessions to increase understanding of ESG and climate-related risks and opportunities. To strengthen oversight, responsibility for ESG and impact matters was formally integrated into corporate board governance. Scenario analysis was also completed, which is a corporate strategy and risk/opportunity identification exercise to evaluate how Dream Unlimited prepares for the implications of climate change and climate-related financial disclosures.
  • Net Zero Asset Managers logo
    Net Zero Asset Managers ↗

    The Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative is an alliance of global asset managers committing to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with the global efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. As one of the first Canadian companies to join the NZAM initiative, Dream Unlimited, on behalf of the Dream group of companies, made its initial target disclosure in 2022. In 2023, 69% of the Dream group of companies’ total assets under management were committed to be managed in line with net zero by 2050, an increase from 61% in 2022.(1)

(1)Assets under management as of December 31, 2023.

Case Studies

Sustainability Reports

* All intellectual property rights to this data belong exclusively to GRESB B.V. All right reserved. GRESB B.V. has no liability to any person (inclusing a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body) for any losses, damages, costs, expenses or other liabilities suffered as a result of any use of or reliance on any of the information which may be attributed to it.