Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust (TSX:D.UN) (“Dream Office”, or “D.UN”) is a premier landlord in downtown Toronto with over 5.1 million square feet (“sf”) of owned and managed office space. Dream Office has carefully curated an investment portfolio of high-quality assets in irreplaceable locations in one of the finest office markets in the world.
  • “The market is moving towards net zero buildings which is a catalyst for Dream Office REIT to do the work now.”

    Gordon Wadley - Chief Operating Officer, Dream Office REIT Gordon Wadley Chief Operating Officer, Dream Office REIT

2023 Highlights

  • Environmental Icon

    received in energy efficiency rebates and incentives from utility providers and various levels of government

  • Environmental Icon
    971,000 sf

    of GLA certified as LEED Gold

  • Environmental Icon

    deep retrofit projects achieved Investor Ready Energy Efficiency (“IREE”) certifications, bringing total to 13(1)

  • Social Icon
    $16 million

    in spending awarded to diverse vendors(2)

  • Social Icon

    donated to charities

  • Social Icon
    Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification

    received for Dream Office’s head office

  • Government Icon

    inaugural Principles for Responsible Investment (“PRI”) submission and achieved scores above the PRI median in two out of three modules(3)

  • Government Icon

    second annual reporting requirements for the Net Zero Asset Managers (“NZAM”) initiative(3)

  • Government Icon

    Four Star Rating in GRESB Real Estate Assessment, placing Dream Office in the top 40% of benchmark(4)

(1) The IREE certification is awarded by the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC).
(2) Diverse vendors are defined as businesses that are majority-owned by people from equity seeking groups. D.UN collected this information in coordination with in coordination with MPCT.UN and DRM – and therefore includes tracked spending by both D.UN, DRM and MPCT.UN. Spending is tracked on specific categories that include development projects (Quayside and Dream LeBreton), decarbonization retrofits in office and multi-family buildings, and general operational spending.
(3) DRM completed the submission of behalf of the Dream group of companies
(4) All intellectual property rights to this data belong exclusively to GRESB B.V. All rights reserved. GRESB B.V. has no liability to any person (including a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body) for any losses, damages, costs, expenses, or other liabilities suffered as a result of any use of or reliance on any of the information which may be attributed to it.

ESG Scorecard

Absolute energy consumption, GHG emissions, and water consumption have decreased due to energy and water efficiency projects relative to the baseline. Reduced energy, GHG emissions, and water consumption in 2020 and 2021 can be attributed to COVID-related occupancy reductions.

Indicator 2019 Baseline 2022 2023 YoY% Change % Change from Baseline
Energy consumption (ekWh) 176,812,514 151,792,207 130,058,311 -14% -26%
Energy intensity (ekWh/sf)(2) 32.70 27.60 25.46 -8% -22%
Water Consumption (m3) 448,106 296,527 288,951 -3% -36%
Water intensity (m3/sf)(2) 0.083 0.053 0.057 7% -32%
GHG Emissions(3)
Scope 1 GHG Emissions (tCO2e) 11,285 10,961 8,765 -20% -22%
Scope 2 GHG Emissions (tCO2e) 14,782 10,576 8,891 -28% -48%
Total Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions (tCO2e) 26,067 21,537 17,656 -24% -37%
Scope 1 and 2 GHG Emissions Intensity (kgCO2e/sf)(2) 4.83 3.76 3.46 -14% -33%
Waste to Landfill (tonnes) 674 799 528 -34% -22%
Waste Diverted (tonnes) 539 553 1,074 94% 99%
Total Waste Generated (tonnes) 1,213 1,353 1,602 18% 32%
Waste Diversion(2) 44% 41% 32% -9% -12%
Certifications and Ratings
Percent of Portfolio with Green Building Certification 96% 91% 97% 6% 1%
Percent of Eligible Portfolio with an Energy Rating(5) 83% 100% 100% 0% 17%

(1) Unless otherwise stated, each year’s energy, GHG, water, waste, building certification and energy rating data is based on the relevant owned-Canadian properties where D.UN has operational control. Excludes assets that are under development and major renovations. Co-owned assets are included at 100% of GLA. Represents. For US portfolio, please refer to the Supplemental Disclosures ↗ section.
(2) Includes assets (at 100% of GLA) operational for the full year.
(3) GHG emissions are calculated in accordance with the World Resource Institute Greenhouse Gas Protocol. Calculations in this table capture activities D.UN has direct and indirect operational control over: Scope 1 emissions generated directly from its operations, including heating with D.UN’s properties; Scope 2 emissions indirectly associated with generation of purchased electricity, heating, cooling, and steam consumed by properties.
(4) Includes 100% of waste generated at assets owned by D.UN and co-owned by D.UN and MPCT.UN.
(5) Represents the percentage of portfolio based on sf using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager (ESPM)
(6) Includes only employees 100% dedicated to D.UN and shared services functions for the Dream entities. Excludes employees on unpaid leaves of absence (e.g., permanent disability, long-term disability, parental leave) and interns.
(7) Numbers represented as total headcount, not full-time equivalent.
(8) Includes permanent part-time employees.
(9) Turnover is calculated as a percentage of average employee headcount in noted category.
(10) Based on employees at all levels.
(11) Managers includes Manager level employees and above.
(12) Executives include: the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Operating Officer of D.UN.
(13) Board composition as at December 31, 2020.
(14) Board composition as at December 31, 2021.
(15) Board composition as at December 31, 2022.
(16) Board composition as at December 31, 2023.


Prioritizing efficient and comfortable buildings has always been a part of Dream Office’s core values and connects to the Dream group’s mission to Build Better Communities.

IESO Energy Manager of the Year

In 2023, Sumit Khatri and Tugrul Kodaz, Senior Energy Managers at Dream Office, received the Energy Manager of the Year award from Ontario’s IESO Save on Energy program. The Save on Energy program has been presenting these industry leading awards since 2017 to recognize Ontario’s most creative and forward-thinking energy managers championing energy efficiency at their organizations. As part of the Technical Services team at Dream Office, the energy managers work closely with property managers and building operators to identify opportunities to drive energy efficiency and implement projects that generate energy, water, waste and GHG savings and improve tenant comfort across Dream Office’s portfolio.

A project focusing on HVAC, lighting system optimization, and other GHG reduction strategies at 50 and 90 Burnhamthorpe Road West in Mississauga, and at Adelaide Place in Toronto, resulted in electricity reductions of 23%, 11% and 12%, respectively, in 2022, yielding over $514,000 in cost savings. Other projects that are being overseen by the energy managers include piloting smart building technologies like smart LED lighting and new building automation systems, as well as real-time metering upgrades to identify operational energy and water efficiency opportunities. Dream Office is proud to be recognized for its energy management efforts which directly support its Net Zero by 2035 Action Plan and generate utility cost savings.

Building Certifications(1)

  • Boma Best Logo
    BOMA BEST certification of
    all Canadian properties
  • LEED Logo
    LEED certified buildings,
    downtown Toronto
  • Inverstor Ready Energy Efficiency Logo
    5 Buildings
    Received the Investor Ready Energy Efficiency (IREE) in 2023

(1) The chart is based on GLA of assets as at December 31, 2023, including all operational Canadian properties at 100% of GLA.


Dream Office’s strength as an organization comes from its strong and diverse workforce. The people come from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences, bringing many valuable skills and perspectives to the Dream Office team. The people Dream Office hires all have one thing in common: they share the company values and contribute to the company culture.

Green Lease Leaders

After being the only Canadian company to achieve the Green Lease Leaders Platinum Landlord award in 2022, Dream Office continued its leadership by once again receiving the award in 2023. This achievement was announced at the Better Buildings, Better Planets Summit, hosted by the Institute for Market Transformation and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Better Buildings Alliance.

Through ambitious net zero commitments, GHG emissions reduction targets, and sustainability goals, as well as the use of its green leases, Dream Office strives to increase the positive environmental, social, and financial outcomes for its tenants and key stakeholders. This Platinum Level recognition reflects a proactive approach towards achieving net zero by 2035 by engaging with tenants across several environmental and social focus areas.

Dream Office(1)Gender Breakdown

(1) Includes employees employed by Dream Asset Management Corporation, which includes DRM and MPCT.UN employees, and Canadian DRR.U employees. Does not include employees at recreational properties,
employees on leaves of absence (e.g., permanent disability, long-term disability, parental leave), interns, and DRR.U employees of Pauls Corp.
(2) Includes employees at all levels.
(3) Includes Managers and above.
(4) For the purposes of this report, Executives include: the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Operating Officer of D.UN.


As part of the ESG Framework, Dream Office links ESG considerations to executive goals and compensation.

Sustainability and ESG-related matters at
Dream Office are managed by the following:

Disclosure Frameworks

  • Principles for Responsible Investment logo
    Principles for Responsible Investment ↗

    The United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) is the world’s leading responsible investor collaboration. It supports its signatories to incorporate ESG factors into their investment and ownership decisions. Signatories commit to follow PRI’s six principles and report annually on their progress through the PRI Reporting Framework. Dream Unlimited, on behalf of the Dream group of companies, became a signatory to the PRI in 2021, and completed the inaugural submission in 2023.
  • United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment ↗

    The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. There are 17 goals in total which provide a shared blueprint to achieve the 2030 goals. The Dream group has identified relevant SDGs throughout its investment strategy and considers how projects may contribute to the achievement of these goals. In particular, the Dream group of companies is dedicated to building safe, resilient, inclusive, and sustainable cities – expressed by Goal 11.
  • Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures logo
    Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures ↗

    In 2021, Dream Unlimited became an official supporter of the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations. To align with TCFD recommendations and enable appropriate oversight, Dream Unlimited hosted board education sessions to increase understanding of ESG and climate-related risks and opportunities. To strengthen oversight, responsibility for ESG and impact matters was formally integrated into corporate board governance. Scenario analysis was also completed, which is a corporate strategy and risk/opportunity identification exercise to evaluate how Dream Unlimited prepares for the implications of climate change and climate-related financial disclosures.
  • Net Zero Asset Managers logo
    Net Zero Asset Managers ↗

    The Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative is an alliance of global asset managers committing to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with the global efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. As one of the first Canadian companies to join the NZAM initiative, Dream Unlimited, on behalf of the Dream group of companies, made its initial target disclosure in 2022. In 2023, 69% of the Dream group of companies’ total assets under management were committed to be managed in line with net zero by 2050, an increase from 61% in 2022.(1)

(1) Assets under management as of December 31, 2023.

Case Studies

Sustainability Reports

* All intellectual property rights to this data belong exclusively to GRESB B.V. All right reserved. GRESB B.V. has no liability to any person (inclusing a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body) for any losses, damages, costs, expenses or other liabilities suffered as a result of any use of or reliance on any of the information which may be attributed to it.